
The pothos is dying

Wilted and shriveled

I can’t seem to wake up in time

To draw the curtains and allow in light

Maybe it’s a case of bad feng shui

Too many green things growing

Too many mirrors

Too much flowing energy

In the evenings when sleep can’t find me

I lie awake instead

And drown the pothos

In need of sunlight

So I sleep in the day

When the rest of the world

Is awake

It keeps me safe

At night I must keep watch

For the world that lies sleeping

And guard their souls

In a box for safe-keeping

But when sleep finally finds me

I drift off in terror

Blood pounding in my ears

For sleep is the nightmare bearer

It comes like a wind storm

Cutting ripples into water

Leaves and sprouting flowers are torn off trees

A spiral of orange and green 

A dance of tumult unforeseen

I look around me and I don't recognize where I am

In an empty darkened room, the smell of burnt bamboo

My breath catches in my throat 

Does it happen to you too?

Alma Mark