Hi Mom, Hi Dad

please, look at me! 

i’ve locked myself in a dancing glass box 

for your viewing pleasure only. 


i hung this box up because i 

couldn’t bear to be 

hung up 


because i’m. 

an apostrophe! 


a possessive in improper grammar 

improperly possessive in the funny way that i lisp my way away to your smile. 

and really every time the phone rings? 

i don’t know whether to hide together 

with you, or to run outside and scream, falling in joy. 


and i’d cry for hours sometimes when you wouldn’t 

pick up 

, i need a 

pick me up, 

a drink? why yes, thank you. 

i’ll take it like i always have, 

always will, though staggering 

through staggering i’ll ford 

four weeks, spent like recession labor money and i’m 

fighting the melatonin or 

the serotonin i can’t really tell these days? 

i don’t really have anybody 

          to tell, either because 


it’s been weeks since you first called.

Jaeho Lee

edited: Catherine Kazmer

(cw: substance abuse, addiction, problematic family relationships)