
The ink splatters across the atmosphere used to be my canvas,
The celestials and other flecks of gold, my gliding companions,
I used to flit and flutter with the other lightning bugs,
I used to fly with fire, illuminating the night.

A special type of serene,
The way the trees swayed in the shadows,
The way the cicadas chirped and buzzed,
Their lyrics becoming the most wistful summer song.

I used to wish that I could dance,
Like the other lovebugs, in pairs,
Circling around each other in a pas de deux,
Dangerously falling more as the clock ticked towards midnight.

I don’t know why I can’t disappear into the navy anymore,
The starred sky’s reflections now blurred in the shadow of your bedroom,
But it’s ok, I’ve accepted being by your side instead,
Behind the invisible traps you mount around me.

Jac Gordon

Editor: Eliza Francis