theories of warmth

[Writer’s Note: yo wassup…this my poem!!]

theories of warmth:


in a class i thought

i could take

the warm lights the intricacy

of a hand

i have stretched out

scratches of myself

to the space in between

where i feel the enthalpy drips

in the cool, highlighting the imperfections.

it is only cool outside

because of the snow on the branches

begging to give back its weight

here, it bleeds up —

and the sky bleeds pastels:

beiges and grays

series of strips float down 

to scarf up snow-cooled air in a 

half-lattice that marks the warms/cools

worn by the tips of my fingers

and the snow reaches up to my palm

there — i feel the warmth behind

thinking i can take a class that writes to me where

warmth is always there.


Brian Chica-Herrera